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Naughty Jokes

A plane crashes

A plane crashes

The only survivor is a flight atendant.

She finds herself on a deserted island and after a while gets really hot so she takes her shirt off exposing her cleavege. She sees smoke nearby and arives to see a man cooking some meat.

-Where are you from ?- She asks him

-Great Britian.- He replies.

-How long have you been here ?-

-Fifteen years.-

-Well could you give me some of that meat ? Im mighty hungry.-

-Oh yeah and what will you give me in return ?-

-Something you havent seen in fifteen years.-

She takes off her b*a and the two start kissing as one thing leads to another.

After they finish they lay on the cool evening sand covered only by a thin cloth blanket, the man sits up looks at the beautiful women laying next to him he asks her:

-Now where is the tea that you promised ?-


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