Funny Jokes
A lady boarded a bus with her baby
A lady boarded a bus with her baby.
The driver looked at the baby, and said: “That’s the UGLIEST baby I’ve ever seen!”
The lady slammed her fare into the meter, and stalked to the back of the bus.
A man across the isle from her saw that she was upset, and asked her what was the matter.
“The bus driver just offended me!”, she said.
The man said: “Ma’am, that man is a civil servant, and shouldn’t be offending his customers.
If I were you, I’d go up there, and give him a piece of my mind.”
The lady said: “Yea! That’s exactly what I’m going to do!”, and got up to confront the driver.
When the man said: “If your going up there, I’ll hold your monkey.”