The boss calls his secretary and says, “Get ready for the weekend, We are going on a business trip.” The secretary calls husband and says, “Me...
A lady was walking down the street to work and she saw a parrot on a perch in front of a pet store. The parrot said...
There was a Catholic priest, Jewish rabbi and Baptist minister. One day the priest went to get a hair cut. After the barber cut his hair...
A brief summary of Tolstoy’s “How Much Land Does a Man Need?” The main character is a man named Pahom. At the beginning of the story,...
The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push. “Not a chance,”...
Einstein says, “Let’s play a game I will ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, you will pay me only $5; but...
One of the bags was ripped, and every once in awhile, a $20 bill fell out onto the sidewalk. Noticing this, a Policeman stopped her, and...
A fox observing a fish cart coming, lay down and pretended to be dead. The cart man, tempted by the idea of making some money by...
Tax day, April 15, was looming when an elderly woman showed up at the IRS. She said she required a thick stack of tax forms. “Why...
An Irishman walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of...