Three guys are on a plane, ones black, ones white, and ones Mexican. The pilot says: “there’s to much weight you all need to throw something...
During lunch at work last week, I ate 3 plates of beans When I got home, my husband seemed excited to see me and exclaimed delightedly:...
One day there was this little girl watching TV and she sees 2 girls kissing. She ask her mom “Mommy why are those two girls kissing?”...
Tim, Tom, and Teddy were all lost in the forest, each of them had 25 cents to survive. They walked around for hours, and had no...
Anant went to his friend’s house unannounced, and he wanted to spend the night. His friend was sorry that he could not offer him a whole...
Two boys go into a forest and walk around. Suddenly they see a undressed women, then one of the boys run away. The other chases after...
There are 4 guys standing on a bridge. A chinese guy, russian guy, mexican guy, and an american guy. The chinese threw off noodles. They all...
A little girl that didn’t know what cursing or what mating was. Two nights before thanksgiving, she heard her parents make love. Her father said: “Oh...
There are 3 girls on a island. They are blond, brunette and a black haired. After 3 weeks of starvation god comes down and says, “Go...
A guy walks into a bar with an alligator. It’s about 10 feet long. The bartender flips out and says, “Hey buddy, you gotta get that...