A bodybuilder takes off his shirt and starts flexing in front of a blonde woman. She exclaims “Wow, what a great chest you have!” He says,...
A guy was in an elevator one day and noticed an attractive woman running to make it before the door closed. He held the door for...
He says, “Doc, I want to be castrated.” Doc says, “Look, I don’t know what kind of cult you’re into or what your motives are, but...
An old lady went to visit her dentist. When it was her turn, she sat in the chair, lowered her underpants, and raised her skinny legs...
Karen goes to the doctor not feeling well. Karen: Doctor, I’ve not been feeling well lately. Doctor: I’ve looked at your lab reports and I’m afraid...
A man walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing a suitcase. He asks, “What are you doing?” She answers, “I’m moving to London. I...
A hunter went out to hunt for buffalo. To help him, he hired an Indian Scout. The two of them set off on their journey to...
One Sunday morning, an old lady headed to church late. Because she couldn’t find her hearing aid. As she was late and did not want to...
A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once...
A woman goes her young daughter to the doctor. The doctor says, “Okay, Mrs. Jones, what’s the problem?” The mother says, “It’s my daughter Darla. She...