who after examining him says, “You have some problems with your heart, but if you take these tablets, I think it will be okay.” So the...
An old Italian man goes to church for confession, he starts “Father forgive me for I have sinned. During the war I hid a young Jewish...
“$85 for an extraction, Ma’am,” was the dentists reply. “Och huv ye nay got anything cheaper,” replies the Scottish lass getting agitated. “But that’s the normal...
If your cup (literally) runneth over, it may be by design — and that design may be over 2,500 years old. Variously called a Greedy Cup,...
A young man from the city went to visit his farmer uncle. For the first few days, the uncle showed him the usual things – chickens,...
Cassan Said Amer tells a story about a lecturer who began a seminar holding up a one dollar bill, and asking: Who wants this dollar bill?...
One day a lion was sleeping in front of its cave. At that time a little mouse playing nearby by chance ran over the lion’s body....
A teacher shows three toys to a student and asks the student to find out the differences. All the three toys are seemed to be identical...
A man walks in to a bar with a box under his arm and says to the barman… “If I can show something you have never...
A gnat, annoyed with a lion, for disturbing its sleep with its roaring, stung the beast on its snout. The lion tried to crush it with...