Two men were talking about a friend. Who had recently passed away. “By the time Jack died, he had a transplanted heart, a plastic hip joint,...
A reverend awoke one morning to find a dead donkey in his front yard. He had no idea how it got there, but he knew he...
A few months after his parents were divorced, little Johnny passed by his mom’s bedroom and saw her rubbing her body and moaning, ” I need...
A blonde walked into a department store and said “i would like to buy this tv”. The manager said “sorry we don’t sell to blondes”. The...
A student at college had failed his final law papers and was obviously not happy, he questioned the professor & decided to make a deal with...
Three fathers are talking about their sons. The first father says, “my sons a successful doctor. He’s so rich, he just bought his best friend a...
A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question. As he turns to go to the front desk, he acciedently...
A first-grade teacher, Ms Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, ‘Harry, what’s your problem?’ Harry answered, ‘I’m too smart for...
A man escapes a prison where he has been locked up for 15 years. He goes into a house and finds a young couple in bed....
A beautiful woman walks into a doctor’s office and the doctor is bowled off by how stunningly awesome she and his professionalism goes right through the...