A blonde named Anna had a near death experience. The other day when she went horseback riding. Everything was going fine until the horse started bouncing...
A recently married couple are in bed, when the man asks his wife how many men she has slept with After the question, the woman doesn’t...
A woman goes to her doctor, complaining that her husband is 300% impotent. The doctor says, “I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” She says,...
A statue of a Macho athlete was displayed in a Museum. Husband and Wife came walking there appreciating and arguing everything they saw so far. Husband...
One old farmer had a large pond in the back,.. fixed up nicely with picnic tables, a barbecue pit, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach...
A man sat in the confession booth in church and said Forgive me, my Father, for I have sinned What have you done my son ?...
James is alone in the bedroom when his beautiful wife opens the door and walks in. “James,” she whispers, “Take off my shirt.” “James,” she whispers,...
One day while passing a nursing home I noticed six old ladies lying undressed on the grass. I thought this was a bit unusual but I...
A biker pulls up outside a roadside bar in Louisiana after a long day in the saddle. Stiffly he walks in, gets a beer and sits...
Joke Title: Mr. Paddy Doctor wanted to get off work and play golf, so he approached his assistant Paddy. “I am going golfing tomorrow Paddy and...