A man returns home a day early from a business trip. It’s after midnight. While en-route home, he asks the cabby if he would be a...
After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came to see a therapist. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade...
A wife asked her husband to drop her off at a friend’s house, where a wedding reception was taking place. He responded that he would be...
A newly married Italian couple is spending their honeymoon in the bride’s mother’s country cottage. It’s the 1930s the bride’s father died long ago, and they...
A couple had been married for 40 years and he managed all of the money. He told his wife that he did not ever want her...
A Husband And Wife Went To Have Dinner At A 5-Star Restaurant. As the waiter comes with their food, the husband says, “Our food has arrived!...
A man shops for groceries with his wife. The man sees a case of beer on one of the shelves and puts it in the cart....
Little Johnny and his family often traveled to visit his grandmother for meals during the holiday season and special events Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas. One day,...
Wife: Where are you? Husband: At home love. Wife: Are you sure? Husband: Yes. Wife: Turn on the mixer. Husband: turns mixer on Rrrreeereeeereeee… Wife: Ok...
An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighborhood after they retired....