After a tiring day, a young lady settled down in her local train seat and closed her eyes. As the train rolled out of the station,...
A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud knocking on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door...
One day, two young brothers in Rome, aged 12 and 14, came home with a 20 and 50 euro note. Their mother asked them where they...
A wife asks her programmer husband to go to the store. ‘Can you go down to the store, and get a gallon of milk, and if...
An elderly couple was having breakfast one fine morning. When the wife ask her husband, “Are you going to marry right after I die?” What a...
A young couple came into the church office to fill out a pre-marriage questionnaire form. The young man, who had never talked to a pastor before,...
Tim decided to tie the knot with his long time girlfriend. One evening, after the honeymoon, he was organizing his golfing equipment. His wife was standing...
A couple was relating their vacation experiences to a friend. “It sounds as if you had a great time in Texas,” the friend observed. “But didn’t...
An old man decides he wants to meet his grandson before he dies. He lives in the wilderness like a hermit so he hardly ever meets...
A dad was having a conversation with his 8 year old son Little Johnny about what he would like to be when he grew up. He...