A man and his wife were going for a stroll one night when they spotted what was obviously a blind man taking a walk on the...
Anne went away to college and promptly became an avid animal right activist. When she came home for the Holidays she noticed her mother wearing a...
It was a bitter divorce, after four years of marriage and two children it was over. Sam showed up in court together with his ex to...
“Mom, Dad, sit down. I have something very important to tell you,” said Samantha, upon her return home from college after graduation. “I met a guy...
A wife was sitting peacefully in her cozy armchair sewing her husband’s socks. Her husband came in to the room and glanced at what she was...
John walks into his 5th floor apartment after a long day of work, he exhaustively sinks into his favorite arm chair, puts up his footrest, turns...
A man wasn’t feeling well so he went to the doctor. After examining him the doctor took his wife aside, and said, your husband has a...
Harry was sick and tired of being constantly badgered by his wife Barbara for spending so much time at the bar. Hoping it would help matters,...
The hospital staff kept telling Jim, but it was to no avail. Jim’s wife was in labor and Jim was a nervous wreck. After what seemed...
Sally walked in to the Dentist office to make an appointment. “How much do you charge to pull out a tooth?” she asked.” “It’s $130”, was...