After being married for thirty years, a wife asked her husband to describe her. He looked at her for a while, and then said, “You’re A,...
A couple of tourists were dining at a fine restaurant in Paris. After waiting for an hour, the husband finally was able to catch the waiter’s...
Two little boys were arguing. “My father is better than your father!” “No he’s not!” “My brother is better than your brother!” “No he’s not!” “My...
A man scolded his son for being so unruly and the child rebelled against his father. He got some of his clothes, his teddy bear and...
A farmer and his wife were laying in bed one night, the farmer feeling a little frisky, reaches over and gives his wife’s melons a little...
A little boy goes to his dad and asks, “What is politics?” The dad says, “Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I’m...
One day Jimmy got home early from school and his mom asked, “Why are you home so early?” He answered, “Because I was the only one...
A husband and wife were driving through Louisiana. As they approached Natchitoches, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town. They argued back and forth,...
An aged farmer and his wife were leaning against the edge of their pig-pen when the old woman wistfully recalled that the next week would mark...
A country wife came home just in time to find her husband in bed with another woman. With superhuman strength, borne of fury, and cutting firewood,...