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Sarah parents are excited to meet her new boyfriend

Sarah’s parents are excited to meet her new boyfriend.

This is the first time the 28 year old has brought a man to meet her parents.

Her mother slaved over a hot stove all day, while the father cleaned the house and cut the grass.

They both wore their best clothes and waited for Sarah.

At 8PM they hear that ring.

They open the door and Sarah is there, standing next to a huge man, full of tattoos, and a face that looks like it has been in every possible fight, with scars aplenty crossing his face.

He looks like he beats people for a living.

After some hesitant pleasantries, the shocked parents take Sarah to the kitchen.

“What the heck, Sarah?” asked her mother,

“Why would you date a guy like that, he looks like a thug!”

“You’ve got him all wrong,” said Sarah, irritated,

“he’s an incredibly nice and charitable guy.”

“What makes you say that?” asked her father.

“Well, just this month he spent 200 hours serving his community.”


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