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Clean Jokes

The salesman approaches the farmer

The salesman approaches the farmer and says, “Good day to you sir! I’d like to tell you about our top-of-the-line tractor. You will not find a better tractor than this anywhere and I can see that you are a man of discerning tastes. Tell you what.”

Old Joe interrupts the sales pitch and without a word leads the man to the barn.

When they get there he says,

“You a good salesman? Let me tell you a story.”

“The other day I came out to milk old Bessie. I just got sat down behind her and she kicks me with her back left leg.”

“So I tied it to the stall. Then she kicks me with her back right leg. So I tied that to the stall, too. Then she swats me right in the face with her tail. So I tied a piece of twine to her tail and looped the other end
over the rafters.”

The salesman gives a puzzled nod, and the farmer continues.

“Then my wife walked into the barn and she sees me standing behind old Bessie.”

“Now, mister… if you can convince my wife I was only trying to MILK that cow I’ll buy one of your damn tractors.”


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