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Funny Jokes

Harry was working at a construction site

Harry was working at a construction site when he came across a bottle.

He popped it open and out came a Genie.

“I gotta warn you,” said the Genie “I’m not that powerful but I’ll try my best.”

“Well” said Harry, “I’m trying desperately to start a new business and I have a very important meeting tonight with a potential investor…”

“I’ll tell you what,” said the Genie, “and this is the best I can do. I’ll give you a one time good luck charm. To start it say, 123. When you’re done, say 1234.”

And with that the Genie was gone in a puff of smoke.

Harry couldn’t believe his good luck.

As he nervously tied his tie in front of the mirror, he kept on repeating over in his head 123, 123, 123.

Harry nervously knocked on the rich man’s office.

“Come in,” said the man in a deep imposing voice.

OK, here goes thought Harry to himself as he sat down across from the man. Before he started he muttered to himself “123”, suddenly he knew everything would be OK.

He opened up his mouth to start speaking but before he could say anything the man behind the desk pleasantly asked, “What did you say 123, for?”


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