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Naughty Jokes

A cowboy is riding his horse

A cowboy is riding his horse in a small town and decides to stop at a bar to wash the dust of the road off of him.

He gets off his horse and ties it to a pole right outside the establishment.

He proceeds to walk into the bar and, right after entering, pounds the floor with his foot 3 times. All those present stop and stare at him silently.

“Gentlemen,” he says, “my horse is right outside and I need to go to perform my ablutions right now. When I come back, I will go check outside and, if my horse is not there, it will mean everything will have to be just as it was that time when I was in Texas. Don’t let it happen here, hear?”

Without uttering another word, the cowboy walks to the washing room and closes the door.

Every single person in there starts talking among them and asking ‘what was it that happened in Texas?’ non-stop without getting an answer from anybody.

The bartender certainly didn’t know, and it seemed as if nobody had gotten any news yet of what happened in Texas the time the cowboy was there.

The cowboy is taking too long and everybody almost starts panicking and praying for whatever happened in Texas not to happen in there.

They get progressively more agitated each minute that passes.

The fear in that room grows so strong that nobody leaves his seat or wants to do it at all, not even to check if the horse is still outside or if anything happened with the cowboy.

Luckily, the cowboy comes out walking calmly and fixing his belt.

The room gets quiet once again while the cowboy keeps walking towards the exit.

He gets to the door, opens it and takes a step outside to check on his horse. With the room still in silence, the cowboy steps back in and looks around with a face of satisfaction.

“Gentlemen, you did well. My horse is still outside. Keep on drinking in peace. Farewell fellows.”

Everybody in the bar sigh in relief. As the cowboy walks outside and is climbing on his horse, a guy from the bar comes running to him.

“Sir,” the guy says in haste, “you put everybody in the room in deep anxiety for whatever happened in Texas. The tension could be felt in the air as nobody knew what was it that happened over there the time you were in Texas. Sir, please, could you tell me what was it that happened in Texas?”

“Well my horse got stolen,” the cowboy said thoughtfully, “I had to go and buy another one.”


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