A man goes into a pet shop to buy a monkey. The shop owner points to 3 identical looking monkeys on a perch and says the...
Seems there was a treasure ship on its way back to port. About halfway there, it was approached by a pirate, skull and crossbones waving in...
A family goes to the zoo and when they get there, they decide to split up so they can see more animals. The little boy goes...
After an hour of gathering up his courage, a shy guy finally approaches the attractive girl at the end of the bar. “Um, would you mind...
There was once a mysterious man, six feet and seven inches tall who had ventured his way to the freezing north. Desperate for money in an...
A man is having dinner with his new girlfriend’s family. They spend the early part of the evening talking, getting to know each other, and just...
3 guys crash land on an island and get captured by cannibals Once they they are brought to the chieftain he tells them what they have...
A German guy lets his wife travel to Paris alone. His wife has a conference in paris and he gives her a ride to the airport,...
A MAN was driving down the road and ran out of petrol. At that moment, a bee flew in his window. “What seems to be the...
A devoted wife had spent her lifetime taking care of her husband. Now he had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months,...