While riding my Harley, I swerved to avoid hitting a deer, lost control and landed in a ditch, severely banging my head. Dazed and confused I...
A elderly couple are walking down a country road one day and they see a man standing next to a plane with a sign that says...
A girl goes into her father’s study, “Daddy, why am I named rose?” “Because the day you were born a rose petal blew through the window...
3 nuns go to mother superior and say they don’t want to be nuns anymore. Mother superior says “Ok but you have to go and do...
Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson accidentally travel through time At the endgame premiere, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans accidentally traveled back in time to 1960s on...
Mom, why am I named Rosemary?” “Because on the day you were born the cook of the hospital accidentally spilled a little rosemary on your cheek...
A Kurdish man goes to a store to buy a washing machine Kurdish man: I want to buy that washing machine. Seller: sorry, we don’t sell...
A plane crashes The only survivor is a flight atendant. She finds herself on a deserted island and after a while gets really hot so she...
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip… After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night and...
A boy is visiting his girlfriend’s parents for the first time. He’s looking for a drinking glass when he notices a row of cups in the...