A minister gave a talk to the community center on mating. When he got home, he couldn’t tell his wife that he had spoken on mating,...
Finding one of her student Little Johnny making faces at others on the playground,.. Ms. Smith stopped to gently scold the child. Smiling sweetly, the Sunday...
The police stops a man and woman who have their seatbelts on. Police: “hi you’re the first people today with their seatbelts on, so we want...
It was the end of the school day and all of the kids were anxious to go home. The teacher told the kids, “As soon as...
There was a guy who bought an elderly circus elephant; Alas, he couldn’t afford to feed it. He’d never seen an elephant jump with all 4...
A man walks past a beggar every day and gives him $2.00 and that Continues for a year. Then suddenly the daily donation changes to $1.50...
A man stands before St. Peter St. Peter says “You are in luck today! All you need to do to enter into heaven is to tell...
A man goes to heaven and is greeted by an angel who shows him around the place “Over there is a local restaurant, it’s guaranteed to...
Dry humor about water. So these two guys are in a cabin in the woods by a small pond in Vermont. One says, “Hey, go fetch...
The Scotsman’s first baseball game An Scotsman moves to the USA & finally attends his first baseball game. The first batter approached the batters box, took...