A small boy named Dave lived in the local village. None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity, especially his teacher, who was always...
The visiting Bible school supervisor asks little Johnny during Bible class, “Who broke down the walls of Jericho?” Little Johnny replies, “I dunno, but it wasn’t...
Three mischievous old grannies were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home when an old man walked by. One of the old ladies called out,...
A husband a doctor and his wife are having a fight at the breakfast table. Husband gets up in a rage and says, ‘And you are...
Two elderly women were out driving in a large car, both could Barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an...
A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in bed. She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstairs to look...
One day a man with an elephant walks into a movie theater: “I’m afraid I can’t let your elephant in here, sir.” The manager says. “Oh,...
A lady fixed her husband a special meal for his birthday. After dinner she fixed him a pitcher of martinis then poured him a drink. Then...
An elderly couple returned to a Mercedes dealership to find the salesman had just sold the car they were interested in, to a beautiful Lady. “I...
A little old lady was walking her dog around a lake on a cold winter morning and the lake was still frozen. All of a sudden,...
A Football team was on the field during practice, when to their surprise, a big turkey suddenly walked up to the coach and demanded a tryout....
A wise old man was sitting at the river bank. He saw a cat that had fallen into the river struggling to save itself from drowning....
A man and his wife arrive from a business trip and go to his favorite steakhouse unaware of the mad cow outbreak in his town. The...
The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees wasn’t in and had not phoned in sick one day. Having an urgent problem with one...
A woman went down to the Welfare Office to get aid.. The office worker asked her, “How many children do you have?” “Ten,” she replied. “What...
Bill and his wife Blanche go to the Yorkshire show every year, And every year Bill would say, “Blanche, I’d like to ride in that there...
An elderly couple were sitting outdoors at a cafe when they noticed an old man who seemed to be having trouble crossing the street with an...
A lost dog strays into a jungle. A lion sees this from a distance and says to himself with caution, “This guy looks edible, never seen...
An old man is 85-year old and insists on taking his wife’s hand everywhere they go. When a man asked him why his wife kept looking...
Two men at a bus stop started a conversation. One of them keeps complaining of family problems. Finally, the other man says, “You think you have...