Mark was passing by the bar on the way home from work when he sees his good friend Tom gulping down one shot after another. Fearing...
A doctor remarked on his patients, ruddy complexion. “I know” the patient said “It’s high blood pressure, it’s from my family.” “Your mother’s side, or father’s...
John was the cop in a small town where everyone knew each other. One night,a during his night patrol, he spotted the town drunk walking down...
A blond man entered the emergency room with his two ears burned. “What happened?” asked the doctor. “Well”, the man explained, “my wife was press clothing,...
The hospital staff kept telling Jim, but it was to no avail. Jim’s wife was in labor and Jim was a nervous wreck. After what seemed...
Sam goes to the doctor for his yearly checkup. “Everything is fine”, said the doctor, “You’re doing OK for your age.” “For my age?” questioned Sam,...
Sally walked in to the Dentist office to make an appointment. “How much do you charge to pull out a tooth?” she asked.” “It’s $130”, was...
Due to a job transfer, Brian moved from his hometown to New York City. A Being that he had a very comprehensive health history, he brought...
A lady came in for a routine physical at the doctor’s office. “Here”, said the nurse, handing her a urine specimen container. “The bathroom is over...
Bob was in a terrible motorcycle accident and his legs weren’t in great shape, to say the least. After a couple of weeks of therapy, it...
An employee approached his boss regarding a dispute on his pay-check. Employee – Sir, this is $100 less than my salary. Boss – I know. But...
Barry and Hannah, an old married couple, a are sitting on the couch watching TV. On the show they were speaking about how to prepare in...
Edward was lying on his deathbed and the family was taking turns spending time with him. As he was speaking to his young granddaughter Emily, Edward...
Anne was on her deathbed breathing her last. “Anne”, said Anne’s husband Jim. “Please, please,tell me, is there anything I can do for you?” “Well” croaked...
Jim grabbed his suitcase off the luggage carousel and headed outside to hail a taxi. A taxi promptly picked him up and they were on there...
Adam woke up suddenly, sweating all over. “What’s the problem”, asked his wife. “Are you OK?” “I just dreamed that I died!” responded a shaken Adam....
An old man went to the Doctor complaining that his wife could barely hear. The Doctor suggested a test to find out the extent of the...
A lady was walking down the street when she was a approached by a lady beggar asking for money. The lady took a $20 bill out...
An Amish girl and her mother were visiting a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that...
A man gathered all of his children together and said, “Children when George Washington knocked down the cherry tree, he told his father honestly that it...