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Relationship Jokes

A couple went on vacation to a fishing

A couple went on vacation to a fishing resort up north.

The husband liked to fish at the crack of dawn; the wife preferred to read.

One morning the husband returned after several hours of fishing and decided to take a short nap.

The wife decided to take the boat out.

She was not familiar with the lake so she rowed out, anchored the boat, and started reading her book.

Along comes the Game Warden in his boat, pulls up alongside and says,

“Good morning, Ma’am what are you doing?”

“Reading my book,” she replies as she thinks to herself, “Is he guy blind or what?”

“You’re in a restricted fishing area,” he informs her.

“But, Officer, I’m not fishing can’t you see that?”

“But you have all this equipment, Ma’am I’ll have to take you in and write you up.”

“If you do that I will charge you with r*pe,” snaps the irate woman.

“I didn’t even touch you,” grouses the Game Warden.

“Yes, that’s true … but you have all the equipment.”


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