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Relationship Jokes

Ole and Lena are having make love

Ole and Lena are having make love in their bedroom.

Ole says, “Lena, did you know that there are 117,000 musk ox in Alaska?

Lena says, “No, I didn’t.”


Ole says, “And Lena, did you know there are 482,000 grizzly bears living in Alaska?”

Lena says, “No, I didn’t. Gee, you’re smart.”

Ole says, “And Lena, did you know there are more than 2 million caribou living in Alaska?”


“No,” says Lena, wondering how this conversation came about in the middle of their intimacy.

“How did you get so smart?”

Ole says, “Remember last night when we ran out of toilet paper and had to use the pages out of magazines?”


“Yes, I remember,” says Lena.

“Well, you still have page 63 of National Geographic stuck to your bum.”


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