In a city park stood two statues, one female and the other male. These two statues faced each other for many years. Early one morning, an...
A tourist is picked up by a cab in New York on a dark night. The passenger taps the driver on the shoulder to ask him...
The king of a small African nation had an elegant golden throne in his large grass hut. When an old friend came to visit from another...
“Follow me son”, the father shark said to the son shark and they swam to the mass of people The father added, “First, we swim around...
Nasruddin Hodja had a buffalo whose horns were set wide apart. Hodja often felt an urge to sit on the animal’s head between the horns, but...
Two large bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and says, “What’s in the bags?” “Sand,” answered Juan. The guard says, “We’ll just see about...
The devil decides to pay them a visit, so he walks into their room and sees them talking and laughing. Confused, he asks them why they’re...
Juan always attended Sunday services at his parish but then he began to find that the pastor always said the same things, so he stopped going...
A honeymooning couple had purchased a talking parrot and taken it to their room, where much to the groom’s annoyance, the bird kept up a running...
A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them the difference they each made. Using a process...