An overweight blonde went to see her doctor for some advice. The doctor advised that she run ten miles a day for thirty days. This, he...
A woman got lost in her car in a snow storm. She remembered what her dad had once told her. “If you ever get stuck in...
Three doctors are out geese hunting. A gaggle flies over and the oncologist raises and then lowers his gun. “I better conduct an MRI first to...
There once was a lady who was very concerned about her missing parrot. Not knowing what to do, she called 911. “You gotta help me find...
A blonde is speaking to her psychiatrist. “I’m on the road a lot, and my clients are complaining that they can never reach me.” Psychiatrist: “Don’t...
A woman goes into the local newspaper office to see that the obituary for her recently deceased husband is published. After the editor informs her that...
A state trooper pulled a car over and told the man driving that he was going 50 mph in a 40 mph zone. “I was only...