Two old retired men are sitting on the bench watching the time go by. There is an old hound dog lying on the ground in front...
Two men waiting at the pearly gates strike up a conversation. “How’d you die?” the first man asks the second. “I froze to death,” says the...
A man went to his lawyer and told him, “My neighbor owes me $500 and he doesn’t want to pay up. What should I do?” “Do...
This guy says to his buddy, “You’ll never believe what happened last night.” His buddy says, “Well then, tell me what happened.” The guy says, “Last...
A man goes to a bar with his dog. He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says “You can’t bring...
A man in a bar sees a friend at a table, drinking by himself. Approaching the friend he comments, “You look terrible. What’s the problem?” “My...
During the wedding rehearsal, the groom approaches the pastor with an unusual offer. “Look, I’ll give you $100 if you’ll change the wedding vows. When you...