Two guys were playing golf, one of them was about to swing the golf club when he noticed a funeral procession going by on the street....
“Mom, can I have an animal cracker?” asked 3 year old Bob. “Sure Bob,” said his mom. “Open up the box, and take a few.” Forty...
An old man went to the doctor complaining of a terrible pain in his leg. “I am afraid it’s just old age”, replied the doctor, “there...
Bobby was sitting on the porch talking to his Grandpa when he innocently asked, “Grandpa, do you know how to make animal sounds?” “I sure do”...
Lisa, a 16 year old girl, nervously brought her most recent boyfriend home with her to meet her parents. Although Lisa was very fond of him...
Little Bob went with his mom to church every Sunday. One morning in the middle of the service Bob complained that he was feeling a bit...
A man and his wife were going for a stroll one night when they spotted what was obviously a blind man taking a walk on the...
A blonde and brunette are sitting next to each other on a plane. After a few minutes the blonde looks up from the book she reading...
Rosanne a beautiful young foreigner walked into a small clothing store in the mall with her English speaking fiance. “Excuse me,” said her fiance with just...
Anne went away to college and promptly became an avid animal right activist. When she came home for the Holidays she noticed her mother wearing a...