Sister Marry was truly a religious woman. Besides for her duties as a nun, she was also very active in various hospitals visiting sick patients and...
A lady rubbed a bottle and a genie popped out. “You have one wish” said the genie. “Hey” countered the lady “I thought I get three...
A man died and went up to heaven. Upon arriving he noticed two signs One said, “Men Who Are Bossed By Their wives,” the other one...
A lady went to a psychiatrist complaining of a terrible phobia. “Every time I lay down on my bed I get this terrible fear that there...
Two men met at a bus stop and struck up a conversation. One of them kept complaining of family problems. Finally, the other man said: “You...
The CEO of a large company was walking to the cafeteria along with two of his secretaries. Upon tripping on a bottle, a genie appeared and...
So it was Jim first time leaving Europe, he was excited about visiting America and expanding his horizons. Excuse me, said a woman to him at...
An older couple were walking on a beach when the husband tripped over a bottle and a genie came out. “You can each have one wish,”...
Harry had been feeling sick lately and was finally convinced to see the Doctor after his wife Suzy’s urging. After a thorough examination, and much thought,...
It was a bitter divorce, after four years of marriage and two children it was over. Sam showed up in court together with his ex to...