A girl takes her big fat cat to the vet. “My cat is very fat,” she says. “Alright,” says the vet. “I will look at him.”...
One man was reading the newspaper in the afternoon when his wife suddenly came out from behind him and hit him in the head with the...
A guy goes to a girl’s house for the first time, and she shows him into the living room. She excuses herself to go to the...
A beautiful young model boarded a plane to New York with a ticket for the economy section. She looked at the seats in economy, and then...
A cop pulls a car over for going 20 mph on the highway. The driver is a little old lady, and there are two old ladies...
A little girl was in church with her mother when she started feeling ill. “Mommy,” she said, “can we leave now?” “No,” her mother replied. “Well,...
A guy gets on a plane and finds himself seated next to a cute blonde. He immediately turns to her and makes his move. “You know,”...
A blonde was rollerblading with her headphones on. She stopped at a hair salon and asked for a haircut. She instructed that the hair stylist could...
The wife has just taken a shower and comes out wrapped in a towel, still shy being newly wed. “Well, I’ve seen you undressed. You don’t...
Two very old men were having a conversation about make love. Elmer says, “Yes sir, I did it three times last night with a 30-year-old!” Leon...
A 6th-grade teacher posed the following problem to one of her arithmetic classes: “A wealthy man dies and leaves ten million dollars. One-fifth is to go...
One Sunday a pastor told the congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in...
A man and a woman were having a quiet, romantic dinner in a fine restaurant. They were gazing lovingly at each other and holding hands. A...
A very wise mother bought her young son a pet hamster for his birthday. He had lots of fun with it and then one day it...
Little Johnny’s preschool class went on a field trip to the fire station. The firefighter giving the presentation held up a smoke detector and asked the...
A blonde walks into an appliance store and sees a TV she would like to buy. She goes to the register and says, “I wanna buy...
A husband and wife were walking down a high street when the wife spots a beautiful diamond necklace in a jewelry store window. She urges her...
A wife arriving home from a shopping trip was horrified to find her husband in bed with a lovely young woman. She screamed at him: “You’re...
A fireman came home from work one day and told his wife, “You know, we have a wonderful system at the fire station. Bell 1 rings...
A man goes into the confession booth at the church. “Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.” “What is your sin, my son?” asks the priest....