A teacher asks a student: “What kind of woman would you like to be with when you’re all grown up?” “A woman like the moon!” Answers...
An old lady walked into the Bank of America with a huge bag of money. She told the receptionist that she would like to meet the...
Two Irish nuns have just arrived to the USA by boat and one says to the other, “I hear that the people in this country actually...
A wife was cooking something in the kitchen while the husband was watching a debate in a news channel over a doctor’s make love scandal. Wife:...
An elderly man went to a doctor with multiple complaints. “I see spots before my eyes,” he said. “It’s due to old age,” said the doctor....
George goes to the doctor after getting some very bad news about his condition. Doctor: “Unfortunately sir, you have only 1 week to live.” George: “Doctor,...
A husband exclaims to his wife one day: “Your bum is getting really big. It’s bigger than the BBQ grill!” Later that night in bed, the...
A mother and her daughter were at the gynecologist’s office. The mother asked the doctor to examine her daughter. “She has been having some strange symptoms...
A lady calls the police to report her husband is missing. The police arrive and ask for a description. She tells them he’s 6 foot 2...
A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together. After the man received the full treatment shave, shampoo, manicure, haircut, etc. he placed the boy...