A cop was hiding in his usual spot when he saw a car speed by at 90 mph. Quickly turning on his sirens, the cop pulled...
Harry and his buddy Sam were going for a stroll. “Sam” said Harry “You know my wife?” “Sure do” said Sam. “Well she ain’t gonna be...
Joe was a steward for Fly High airlines. He watched as an older lady boarded the plane holding a dog in a cage. “Excuse me,” said...
“Mom, Dad, sit down. I have something very important to tell you,” said Samantha, upon her return home from college after graduation. “I met a guy...
So there was this female business executive who was late for a meeting. She is going 65 on a street where the speed limit is 40....
A wife was sitting peacefully in her cozy armchair sewing her husband’s socks. Her husband came in to the room and glanced at what she was...
John Sam and Abe, three retired friends,would get together every night, rain or shine, to play poker. It was a nice way to pass the time...
John walks into his 5th floor apartment after a long day of work, he exhaustively sinks into his favorite arm chair, puts up his footrest, turns...
Bill’s second Anniversary was coming up and if there was one thing that got his wife Suzy upset, it was not getting a thoughtful gift on...
Brian was pulled over for speeding, and as the cop approached his car, he noticed lighter fluid, matches, and torches, all in the passenger seat right...
A drunk phoned the local police department to report that thieves had been in his car. “They have stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, the brake...
Harry was working at a construction site when he came across a bottle. He popped it open and out came a Genie. “I gotta warn you,”...
A drunk man walks out of a bar and sees an ambulance speeding down the street with it’s sirens blaring. The drunk man dashes after the...
Three old ladies are sitting around a table playing bridge and bragging about their sons. “My Freddie,” said Margaret, “Everyone should be so lucky to have...
Jeff was fast asleep in his at bed at 3:00 am when he heard an urgent knocking at the door. Rubbing the sleep out of his...
A lady went to a doctor’s office where she was seen by a Doctor. A few minutes into the examination, screeching could be heard from the...
A cop pulled over a car and finds a young couple in the front seat. Where your seat belt young man? asked the cop. Oh, I...
A man wasn’t feeling well so he went to the doctor. After examining him the doctor took his wife aside, and said, your husband has a...
Harry was sick and tired of being constantly badgered by his wife Barbara for spending so much time at the bar. Hoping it would help matters,...
Jerry was in the hospital recovering from surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling. “I’m OK but I didn’t like the four-letter-word the...