Two gas company servicemen, a senior training supervisor and a young trainee, were out checking meters in a suburban neighborhood. They parked their truck the end...
A group of blondes walk into a bar. One of the women tells the bartender to line up a row of drinks for all of them....
A drunken man gets on the bus late one night, staggers up the aisle, and sits next to an elderly woman. She looks the man up...
A woman said to her friend, “I don’t know what to do. My husband is such a mess maker that you can’t imagine. He doesn’t put...
Two young men were out in the woods on a camping trip, when the came upon this great trout brook. They stayed there all day, enjoying...
A man and his dog walk into a bar. The man proclaims, “I’ll bet you a round of drinks that my dog can talk.” Bartender: “Yeah!...
Two Irishmen were talking: The first asks, “Connor, you know that guy Trump who is running for President?” Connor says, “I do Sean, I do.” “Well”,...
A beautiful, good looking lady was sitting next to a guy in a plane. The lady said to him “Can you help me remove something from...
Two drunks are driving down the highway, drinking their beer. All of a sudden the driver notices lights flashing in his mirror, the cops are on...
“Louisa” asked her small brother, “could you help me with my math homework?” “Certainly not,” replied Louisa indignantly. “It wouldn’t be right.” “Maybe not,” said her...