The bartender asked a guy sitting at the bar: “What’ll you have?” The guy answered: “A scotch, please.” The bartender handed him the drink and said:...
There’s a guy with a 25-inch tool and is always wanting to get closer to the girls he is having lovemaking with. One day he comes...
A father has three daughters who are all getting married on the same day. He asks his oldest daughter, “Whom do you wish to marry? She...
A rich lady gives her butler the night off because she is going out on a date. When she arrives back home from the date she...
A woman goes into a dirty toy shop to buy a wanker. She sees one behind the counter and tells the salesman, “I want that one!”...
Thai woman marries American man but she cannot speak English and he almost cannot speak Thai. Somehow they make arrangement she will join English speaking class...
Mrs. Jennings began each vocabulary lesson by asking the students to use a word in a sentence. “Okay, class,” she announced, “who can use the word...
Three guys were walking through the desert. All of them were thirsty, tired, and hot. All of the sudden, one shouts that he sees a broken...
A man was driving down the highway when another car starts to tailgate him. To make some room between them, the man in front speeds up...
Little kids want to help you cross the street even if you’re just walking along the sidewalk. Your senior citizen’s ID whips up discounts in many...