An elderly couple named Bill and Helen went to the county fair each year. One year, a man at the fair was giving helicopter rides for...
A serious drunk walked into a bar and, after staring for some time at the only woman seated at the bar, walked over to her and...
A man was going up to bed, when his wife told him he’d left the light on in the garden shed she could see it from...
A bride tells her husband, “Honey, you know I’m a pure and I don’t know anything about make love. Can you explain it to me first?”...
A blonde was summoned to court to appear as a witness in a lawsuit. The prosecutor opened his questioning with, “Where were you the night of...
A lady is having a bad day at the roulette tables in ‘Vegas. She’s down to her last $50. Exasperated, she exclaims, “What rotten luck! What...
A couple are rushing into the hospital because the wife is going into labor. As they walk, a doctor says to them that he has invented...
Two lawyers arrive at the pub and ordered a couple of drinks. They then take sandwiches from their briefcases and began to eat. Seeing this, the...
Little Johnny was eating breakfast one morning and got to thinking about things. “Mommy, mommy, why has daddy got so few hairs on his head?” he...
A man went into a bar in a high rise. He saw another man take a pill, take a drink, walk to the window and jump...