A couple had been married for 45 years and had raised a brood of 11 children and were blessed with 22 grandchildren. When asked the secret...
Four married guys go golfing on Sunday. During the 3rd hole the following conversation ensued: First Guy: “Man, you have no idea what I had to...
A rabbit hops into a pub and asks the bartender, “Could I get a pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie?” The bartender is...
Little Johnny was talking to a couple of boys in the school yard. Each was bragging about how great their fathers are. The first one said:...
A mother was teaching her child about the side-effects of alcohol. She gets two short glasses, filling one with water and the other with whiskey. She...
A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving...
A young Redhead goes into the doctor’s office and says that her body hurts wherever she touches it. “Impossible”, says the doctor. “Show me.” She takes...
A husband and wife were debating on buying a new car. She wanted a fast sports car. He wanted a pickup. As time passed on, her...
A seaman meets a pirate in a bar, and talk turns to their adventures on the sea. The seaman notes that the pirate has a peg-leg,...
A man visited the doctor. “Doctor, I have terrible flatulence, I have it all the time.” “Please undress so I can examine you,” said the doctor...