A man was pulled over for speeding down the highway; the officer came to the driver’s window and asked, “Sir, may I see your driver’s license...
A man visited the doctor. “Doctor, I have terrible flatulence, I have it all the time.” “Please undress so I can examine you,” said the doctor...
Two Irishmen were talking: The first asks, “Connor, you know that guy Trump who is running for President?” Connor says, “I do Sean, I do.” “Well”,...
A 15-year-old rolled up at home in a shiny Porsche, leaving his parents in shock. “Where did you get that car?!” they yelled. “I bought it,”...
A man went to his doctor and told him that he had not been feeling well lately. The doctor examined the man, left the room, and...
The mother asks little Johnny, as they wait for the bus, to tell the driver he is 4 years old when asked because he will ride...
A beautiful, good looking lady was sitting next to a guy in a plane. The lady said to him “Can you help me remove something from...
There were two men at a bar, the first man said to the other one, “I know a bridge where you can jump off and return...
An elderly woman called 911 on her cell phone to report that her car had been broken into. She is hysterical as she explains her situation...
Two drunks are driving down the highway, drinking their beer. All of a sudden the driver notices lights flashing in his mirror, the cops are on...
One day an old lady and an old man were sitting on their porch when the old lady says “Hey pa, why don’t you run down...
An elderly couple was in bed one night and the woman woke up from a bad dream. She was scared and panicking. Her husband awoke and...
Two men are drinking in a bar. One turns to the other and says, “I bet you $100 that I can bite my eye.” The second...
A little boy asked his dad for a dollar to give to a little old lady in the park. His father impressed by his son’s kindness,...
“Louisa” asked her small brother, “could you help me with my math homework?” “Certainly not,” replied Louisa indignantly. “It wouldn’t be right.” “Maybe not,” said her...
A blonde struggling with her weight visited her doctor for advice. He suggested she run ten miles a day for thirty days, assuring her she’d shed...
A speeding driver was pulled over by a policeman. He asked, “Why was I pulled over when I wasn’t the only one speeding.” The police replied,...
A man came to the emergency room with a series of long, jagged tear marks on his cheek and neck, as though he had been clawed...
Three drunkards were walking down the street when they came upon a pile of manure where they stopped. The first drunkard, upon observation of the manure...
A couple attended marriage counseling to resolve communication problems. The fighting and bickering during the session was so bad the counselor called for a timeout and...