Bill has worked in a pickle factory for several years. One day he confesses to his wife that he has a terrible urge to stick his...
A man joins the navy and is shipped out immediately to an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The captain is showing the...
A woman goes into a dirty toy shop to buy a wanker. She sees one behind the counter and tells the salesman, “I want that one!”...
The alcoholic came to the yoga school. Hi, I am an alcoholic. I’ve read in the magazine that yoga helps alcoholics to change their lives. I...
A young lady is buying a box of tampons in the store. They are missing the UPC and won’t ring up. The cashier asks his co-worker...
Grandchildren asked their grandfather: Grandpa, did you have any childhood dreams? And have they come true? Yes, I had two childhood dreams but only one came...
Thai woman marries American man but she cannot speak English and he almost cannot speak Thai. Somehow they make arrangement she will join English speaking class...
The 8-year-old girl is asking her mother: Mom, what is make love? Mother is not ready for this conversation but she decides to explain everything in...
A young man came to an old man of wisdom. You are very old and clever. Help me, please. Tell me how I should overcome my...
A busty blonde woman walks into a New York bank and goes straight up to the counter. “Hello,” the man behind the counter says to the...
A man walks into a bar and sees a man sitting at a table with a tiny man playing a tiny piano. “Hey, where’d you get...
Mrs. Jennings began each vocabulary lesson by asking the students to use a word in a sentence. “Okay, class,” she announced, “who can use the word...
A young pot head starts to smoke. His neighbors, an older christian couple, get sick of the smell seeping through the walls and call the cops....
A young man was watching the news when the reporter switched to the traffic. “A car is driving in the wrong direction along Interstate 45, be...
Three guys were walking through the desert. All of them were thirsty, tired, and hot. All of the sudden, one shouts that he sees a broken...
Frank came into work late one day and his boss was noticeably upset: “You’ve been late almost every day this month! You’re fired unless you give...
Three fathers we sitting in a bar bragging to each other about how successful each of their sons was. The first father declared, “my son is...
Two old couples got together to reminiscent about the old times and laugh about life. One of the gentlemen, Harold, started raving about this great restaurant...
A man stops by his doctor’s office. He tells his doctor of his concern for his wife’s hearing. “She doesn’t answer me when I ask her...
A man was driving down the highway when another car starts to tailgate him. To make some room between them, the man in front speeds up...