A man walks into a bar, orders a drink, gulps it down, looks in his pocket then orders another one. He gulps that one down, looks...
A blonde was trying to sell her old car. She was having a lot of problems selling it, because the car had almost 230,000 miles on...
Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “And what starting...
Mrs. O’Henry was talking to her husband one night about their son and his allowance. “Well, darling,” said Mr. O’Henry, “I had a long talk with...
A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defense: “My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling...
A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the child...
A old man was walking in the forest when he heard by his feet a very weak voice. He bent down to look and saw that...
Two drunks are walking along. One drunk says to the other, “What a beautiful night, look at the moon.” The other drunk stops and look at...
A couple who’d been married for over 50 years was sitting on the sofa, when the wife said, “Dear, do you remember how you used to...
This elderly couple is watching one of those television preachers on TV one night. The preacher faces the camera, and announces, “My friends, I’d like to...